Amar no es Herir/Love Shouldn't Hurt was "an ongoing bilingual web project" that tried to "articulate healing spaces changing community and personal response to domestic violence and other type of violence. The project [was] partially supported by the Arts and Healing Community Grant/Institute of Noetic Science, the Instituto de la Mujer Quintanarroence, Cancun, Mexico and by the City of Berkeley Domestic Violence Prevention Partnership, California, USA. Deborah A. Arthur and Papusa Molna collaborated as text editors. Agustin Chong provided some of the photographs used in the project.
Raúl Ferrera-Balanquet is an multidisciplinary artist, scholar, writer and curator born in Havana, Cuba. He holds a MFA from the Multimedia and Video Art Department at the University of Iowa. His art has been exhibited at several venues in Europe, Latin America and North America. Ferrera-Balanquet has published his writings in Artpapers, Radical Teacher, Cinematograph, Felix, and the Mexican Literary Magazine El Juglar. Winner of prestigious awards, such as the Fulbright-1998-1999, NEA/Film in the Cities Grant, The Lyn Blumenthal Video Criticism Grant, Ferrera-Balanquet currently teaches Internet Design and Development at the Modelo University in Merida, Mexico." -- from frAme, Issue 4, 2000
Published in 2000 by frAme.
Nottingham Trent University, with the permission of Sue Thomas, gave this copy of the work to the Electronic Literature Lab in Spring 2016.
Online Journal