The frAme: Journal of Culture and Technology was published from 2000-2004 by the trAce Online Writing Centre. Founded by Sue Thomas at Nottingham Trent University in the UK, both frAme and trAce are viewed as the first known Web-based journal and community. They influenced the creation of other online journals (now collected at The NEXT) and other communities in Europe and the US that emerged in the late 1990s. This collection contains 56 works published in its six issues along with the works it published in the journal that preceded it, Freebase.
In spring 2016 the trAce Online Writing Centre was the first archive collected by Dene Grigar to preserve. trAce's digital files were given by Nottingham Trent University to Grigar with the permission of Sue Thomas, the founder of the trAce Online Writing Centre. The archive was held originally by the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab led by Ray Siemens where ELO Repository had been established. Grigar and Greg Philbrook were able to identify and move frAme's HTML files out of the thousands held in the archive, much of which had been created in ColdFusion 4.5. In 2018 when The NEXT was founded, the archive moved to the ELO server, and the frAme journal became accessible in July that same year.