"Ambrosia is the writing of love, through writing - the love in/of the writing body and how it is inseparable from the bodies of the desiring/loving 'subjects' in the piece. The writing was generated between lovers, between cities and voices. Emails arrived, something was (is) always arriving, awaking. And departing. Ambrosia was (is) writing knowing that separation can never happen again, not like that, yet Kahlil Gibran in The Prophet writes '. . . and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret?', but also '. . . only another winding will this stream make, only another murmur in this glade.'
Sonja Porcaro is an artist who works in installation, writing and electronic media. She has returned to Adelaide, South Australia after living and working in Sydney for the last three years. Her on-line work includes participation in the 'Choragraphy + Ensemble Logic' & 'Lux: Notes for an Electronic Writing' projects, both based at The Electronic Writing Research Ensemble. Sonja has recently been awarded an Australia Council for the Arts grant to undertake a three-month residency at the Milan studio, Italy, to continue researching the intersection of art and writing" -- from frAme, Issue 4, 2000
Published in 2000 by frAme in Issue 4.
Nottingham Trent University, with the permission of Sue Thomas, gave this copy of the work to the Electronic Literature Lab in Spring 2016.
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