
The trAce Online Writing Centre was a pioneering community founded by Sue Thomas at Nottingham Trace University, UK. From 1995-2005 it hosted conferences, online forums, competition, exhibitions, and online courses and published journals, books, and catalogs. This collection contains 30 works published in the six issues of its journal, frAme.

This was the first collection in The NEXT. The journal was given to Dene Grigar by Sue Thomas, the founder of the trAce Online Writing Center in Spring of 2016. Dene and Greg Philbrook took the HTML files for frAme out of the trAce Online Writing Center that was created in ColdFusion 4.5. The collection was given by Nottingham Trent University to the Electronic Literature Lab with Sue Thomas's permission. It was moved to the ETCL in 2016 to be held in the ELO Repository there, later moved to the ELO server in 2019. The collection was live online in July of 2018.


Viewing 31-30 of 30 Results

Viewing 31-30 of 30 Results