"Definitions est une oeuvre de fiction qui fonctionne sur le modèle d’un ensemble de définitions. Chaque texte est intitulé par un mot dont il est la définition fantaisiste et fictionnelle. Ces mots fonctionnent un peu à la manière d’un hypertexte." -- from Laboratorie NT2, Université du Québec à Montréal
"Jon Fried has published short stories in many journals and zines, plus features on New Jersey culture in The New York Times. He wrote and recorded many songs for the Cucumbers, a band he co-founded with Deena Shoshkes. He is collecting his stories in four guide books, Transcendent Guide to Corporate America (which features stories about the working world), Useless Guide to Modern Romance, Musician’s Guide to the Future and Guide for the Unguidable. He is also at work on a set of historical novels based on some of the colorful characters in his family tree. He lives in New Jersey with Deena, his wife, with whom he raised two sons.
Transcendent Guide to Corporate America won an honorable mention (third place) in the 2016 Mary Roberts Rinehart Fiction Contest. One of the stories in Guide for the Unguidable won the 2017 Writers@Work Writing Competition for fiction." -- from www.jonfried.net, About
Published in 2002 by BeeHive in Volume 5, Issue 2.
Dr. Talan Memmott and J. Patrick Forden gave this copy of the work to the Electronic Literature Lab in Summer 2018.