"Juliet Martin is known for her satiric autobiographical sculptures made from hand-woven and machine-made fabric, illustrations, and glitter. Subjects range from experiences with pandemic loneliness to heartbreaking tales of romance. Her work’s humor invites the viewer in, then delivers a serious punch. 'My discordant tapestries are fiber memoirs,' Martin writes.
She has a BA in Visual Art from Brown University and a MFA in Computer Art from the School of Visual Arts. For the past fifteen years she has been a part of the fiber community, her solo shows including Ivy Brown Gallery, New York City; Chashama, New York City; Living Room, St. Peter’s Church, New York City; Sumei Center, Newark, NJ; Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT; Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY; Artworks Gallery, Trenton, NJ; and Saori Kaikan Gallery, Osaka, Japan.
Her work has been written about in the New York Times and she was named one of the 'Women Artists to Watch' by Artsy. She is a member of 440 Gallery in Brooklyn. She lives and weaves in Brooklyn." -- from artist's website, http://www.julietmartin.com, About
Published in 2002 by BeeHive in Volume 5, Issue 2.
Dr. Talan Memmott and J. Patrick Forden gave this copy of the work to the Electronic Literature Lab in Summer 2018.