Murder Road

"Murder Road" is a video capture by Alan Sondheim featuring some of his experimental work with the virtual world software, Second Life.

"'Murder Road' is my response to the slaugher of civilians in
Ukraine. It is inconceivable. I create nothing relevant in an
attempt to think through the brutality of these events. I can
neither think through them nor portray them. The failure has
its own balustrade. It is useless. I make a stupid cartoon.

'Live Killings in Bucha are deliberate massacre - Ukraine

A serviceman uses his mobile phone to film a destroyed Russian
tank in Bucha, in Kyiv region As Moscow's forces retreat from
areas near Kyiv, there is mounting evidence of indiscriminate

not then exterior. the the buried onslaught, two-fold, and did
universal deter the bury of that stormtroops the the
words.:silence but came the the the and the is rape clubs murder
mayhem. that bury smell that stormtroops onslaughter death
anyone. slaughterhouse. librarians slaughterer, who animals the
and against wounded, order began with murder laughter, patriots
smell that stormtroops to will don't pain, be to slew animals
the and slaughterer, pain, stalin?s exterior. murder from
onslaughter, bury smell that slaughter onslaught, future want
wounded, slaughtered be the burned the burned the in as
two-fold, to:i future onslaught, slaughter smell smell bury
onslaughter, generations and interior, well. pain, slaughterer,
burned the burned slew be be pain, don't deter come. slaughter
that smell bury laughter, murder with began order slaughtered,
against and the animals who slaughterer, shall sky :i death to
stormtroops that smell patriots cave; and proceedinged
slaughter; to wounded, the and the animals the the but
everything, words.:silence streets onslaughter stormtroops that
of bury that deter is knives and two-fold, the buried the the
exterior. came libraries come anyone's the the stormtroops that
of slaughter the generations murder become slaughter, interior,
onslaught, buried the all interior, slaughterer, children come
to murder fearing bury that of slaughter is mayhem. she us.
every to onslaughter, buried the all two-fold, the little
anyone's don't crimson bus patriots that slaughter. exploiting
hideout would don't continent the be to - the scorching, is then
slaughter to i demon slaughter patriots that slaughter.
exploiting cave murder murder the are in come, - the the
wounded, stained, in don't me attack patriots bury that bury
zero thrust me, or bones weakened, slaughtered, come, - - the
slaughtered, weakened, buried death.:i burn thrust patriots bury
that bury patriots attack me don't in stained, wounded, the the
- come, pain, are the murder murder murder zero slaughter. that
patriots patriots ... alive? to sand then is scorching, the - to
be meek continent don't you hideout exploiting slaughter. that
patriots slaughter crimson don't murder the came two-fold, all
the - onslaughter, to every about said mayhem. is slaughter of
that bury bus murder to words. children slaughterer, interior,
all the buried onslaughter, interior, but become murder murder

wounded, as in the burned the burned the in as two-fold, to:i
future onslaught, slaughter smell smell bury onslaughter,
generations and interior, well. pain, slaughterer, burned the
burned slew to be pain, don't deter come. stormtroops that smell
patriots laughter, murder with began order slaughtered, against
and the animals who slaughterer, shall slaughterhouse. :i death
patriots patriots that slaughter. zero cave murder murder the
are pain, come, - the the wounded, stained, in don't me attack
patriots bury that bury patriots thrust burn death.:i bones
weakened, slaughtered, the - - the slaughtered, weakened, bones
death.:i me, thrust zero bury that bury patriots attack me don't
in stained, wounded, the the - come, in are the murder murder
cave zero slaughter. that patriots patriots ... i to slaughter
then is scorching, the - to be the continent don't would hideout
exploiting slaughter. that patriots slaughter crimson don't
anyone's the the two-fold, all the buried onslaughter, to every
us. said mayhem. is slaughter of that bury bus murder to words.
children slaughterer, interior, all the buried onslaught,
interior, slaughter, become murder generations indwelling
slaughter of that bury fearing rushed murder come libraries then
exterior. the the buried onslaught, two-fold, and knives is
deter that bury of that stormtroops onslaughter streets

words.:silence everyone but the wounded"

-- Alan Sondheim


The Alan Sondheim Collection

An unpublished copy.

Alan Sondheim gave the files for this work to Dene Grigar in October of 2021.

