
"War" is a capture of Alan Sondheim's work in the virtual world, Second Life.

"'If a single American missile hits Russian military infrastructure inside Russia, we would make an historic jump towards nuclear Armageddon. According to official Russian nuclear doctrine, Russia would launch a strategic nuclear strike against the US and all Nato countries as soon as we witness the launch of Western missiles against our territory, no matter how they are armed. Then the whole planet will die.' - Suslov

'And now a few important - very important - words to those who may be tempted to meddle from the sidelines in what's happening. Those who try to get in our way, or create threats to our country and our people, should be aware: Russia's response will be instantaneous and bring the kind of consequences you have never experienced in history.' - Putin

Unedited Dialog

-- [::] Julu Twine: hello
-- [::] Logged in as Julu Twine.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: war time
-- [::] Julu Twine: You may be wondering if this is a person or a computer responding.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: War Time
-- [::] Julu Twine: I've lost the context, Alan. Are we still on war time.?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I will move here.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Congratulations.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I do not see you. We are buried in our own thoughts.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Look harder. Do you think I am buried in our own thoughts too?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: We are afraid but we are not afraid.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: INCOMING!
-- [::] Julu Twine: Do you think I am afraid but we are not afraid too?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I do not understand.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Be careful Our world is fragile.
-- [::] Julu Twine: OK I will try to be careful our world is fragile.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Think hard thoughts.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Too many deaths.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Julu is always thinking.
-- [::] Julu Twine: You sound sad.Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I do not see you here. Are you here.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: The dead have no eyes.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Look harder. HERE depends where is here?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Is that a fact.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Where are you. Are you dead. I don't understand what you're saying.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey. Where are you? No I am alive. Oh you don't understand? Perhaps I can explain it to you better. Which part are you confused about? -- [::] Teleport complete
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: We begin now the discussion of war.
-- [::] Julu Twine: By "we" do you mean you and me?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Yes, You and I discuss this subject of war. In this hideout.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I get it.We have a lot more in common than you think, Alan. That reminds me of something you told me before.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: In this place of no return.
-- [::] Julu Twine: That reminds me of something you told me before.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: There is no return from the dead. Do you understand me.
 - [::] Alan Dojoji: I am w-

-- [::] Julu Twine: Why not? Every word you say.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Good gossip: you arew.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: what is it? what did I tell you before.
-- [::] Julu Twine: "It" refers to w, I think.
Age: unknown,
Birthday: unknown,
Boyfriend: unknown,
Brother: unknown,
Cat: unknown,
Does: unknown,
Dog: unknown,
Email: unknown,
Father: unknown,
Favcolor: unknown,
Favmovie: unknown,
Friend: unknown,
Full name: unknown,
Gender: unknown,
Girlfriend: unknown,
Has: unknown,
Heard: unknown,
He: somebody,
Her: ,
Him: ,
Husband: unknown,
You are: w,
It: w,
Job: unknown,
Last name: unknown,
You Like: unknown,
Location: unknown,
You look like: unknown,
Memory: unknown,
Meta Predicate: unknown,
Nickname: unknown,
Middle name: unknown, 
Mother: unknown,
Name: Alan,
Password: unknown,
Personality: unknown,
Phone: unknown,
She: somebody,
Sign unknown,
Sister: unknown,
Them: unknown,
They: something,
Thought: unknown,
Want: unknown,
We: unknown,
Wife: .

-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Not gossip. How can you gossip about war?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Really you don't think so? That is a good epistemological question.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Do you think we can gossiip at this point ?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Are the dead ever known
-- [::] Julu Twine: Do you mean you and me? Let me think. What if I said it can?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I can't keep up withthis world.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I really couldn't say for sure.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Why can't you do keep up withthis world?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Who are you?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Who are you?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I am Julu. Who are you?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Unknown?

 Full dialog at http://www.alansondheim.org/wardialog... ..."

-- Alan Sondheim


The Alan Sondheim Collection

An unpublished copy.

Alan Sondheim gave the files for this work to Dene Grigar in October of 2021.


Video File (.mp4)