1967 1972 1987 political study 2023

"1967 1972 1987 political study 2023" is a video by Alan Sondheim. Below is the text that accompanies the piece.

"endless resistance, endless passages

Warning: Flashing Images: scroll through (not necessary to watch continuously)

for Johannes Birringer

red and black
revolution and anarchy
to the barricades
transform the world
black and red
nothing will ever be the same
our blood is on you
our bodies on the line
new world or no world
black and red
from the barricades
anarchy and revolution
remain the same
black and red
nothing ever changes
your blood is on us
your line our bodies
old world or new world

red revolution to transform black nothing be our on bodies line
or black red barricades revolution the and nothing your is your
our old new world or old our us is changes nothing black the and
the red world world the our is same be nothing black transform
to revolution red world world our us blood every and the and the
and no new the our is our be nothing and the barricades to
revolution and and revolution anarchy barricades the black
nothing be same is our on new no and the anarchy remain black
nothing your on line old new black anarchy barricades world red
ever same is our the new no and the and remain black red changes
blood us line bodies or world new world bodies your on your
every and same revolution barricades from black or line on you
blood the will and the the and and world or bodies your is
changes red same revolution barricades red black or line bodies
on blood the will red world transform the and black red red
black and to transform world red will the blood on bodies line
or world red barricades revolution same red changes is your
bodies or world and and the the and will the blood you bodies
line or black from barricades revolution same and every your on
your our world new world or old line us blood changes red black
remain and the and no world the our is same ever red world
barricades anarchy black new old line on your nothing black
remain and the and no new on our is same be nothing and the
barricades anarchy revolution and and revolution anarchy
barricades the and nothing be same is our the new no and the and
the and every blood us our world world red revolution to
transform world red ever same is our the world world and the and
remain black nothing changes is us line old or world new world
our your on your every and the revolution barricades red black
or line bodies on our be will and the the and and world or
bodies your is changes red same revolution barricades red world
world line bodies on our the will red world transform to and
black red black and the transform black red ever the blood you
bodies line or black from anarchy revolution same red changes is
your bodies or world and and the the and will the blood you on
new or black from anarchy revolution same red every blood on
your bodies world new world or bodies line us blood changes red
black remain anarchy the and no new on our is same ever red
world barricades anarchy black new old line on your nothing
black remain anarchy from black no new on you is same ever
nothing black the the anarchy revolution red

-- Alan Sondheim

Warning: Flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive visitors.


The Alan Sondheim Collection

An unpublished copy.

Alan Sondheim gave the files for this work to Dene Grigar in October of 2021.


Video File (.mp4)