Fast Forward

Alan Bigelow's "Fast Forward" is a hybrid work of interactive satire; “Tired of all the brainiacs who know more than you?" the text prompts the reader. "Don’t read much because you don’t have the time?” The project deploys as its central conceit an advertisement for a mobile app, Fast Forward, which is capable of animating "any book in under five seconds—Moby Dick, Little Women, The Outline of History, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia, et cetera." — From New River Journal

Experiencing the Work

Visitors access the work directly from The NEXT and the landing page contains brief instructions before the work is launched. The work is navigated via capacitive touchscreen (swipe) or via arrow and space keys on the keyboard. Visitors will need to click one button in the work, but this may be done via keyboard as well as mouse or other pointing devices. The text of the instructions uses sans-serif fonts. The title screen has a flickering background, and though visitors may control the timing of the pages that follow with instructions or comments by the author of the work, these pages flash onto the screen too quickly for their content to be read. Some of the textual content is rasterized and not available to screen readers and the type of the table of contents is quite small to read.


The New River

An unpublished copy.

Amanda Hodes transferred the files for this copy to Dene Grigar in June 2022.

