Regarding the creation of Sonnetizing the Singularity, Richard Holeton writes, "I used an open-source Python program by Ross Goodwin called 'Sonnetizer,' which generates Shakespearean sonnets from a text corpus that you input. I input the entire text of Ray Kurzweil’s book The Singularity is Near (Viking, 2005), which is available online, and let the program generate dozens and dozens of sonnets. I then selected what I felt were the most promising ones, mixed and matched a few lines here and there from different sonnets, and did some minimal editing for sense and syntax (e.g., subject-verb agreement). In a few cases I substituted different words for what the computer program generated, but words always still from the Kurzweil text corpus." -- Richard Holeton
The Richard Holeton Collection
An unpublished copy.
This copy consists of a DOCX file that contains the text submitted to Unlost for publication on the web. Richard Holeton gave the files for this copy to Dene Grigar in summer of 2022.
Document File(s)