"Die farben der felder einer quadratischen 3x3 matrix werden durch einen 6-stelligen code aus ziffern und/oder buchstaben definiert.
Setzt man dafür die buchstaben eines wortes ein, so läßt sich ein wort als farbmuster bzw. Hell-dunkel struktur darstellen, die oft interessante optische zusatzinformationen bieten.
I define the colors of a 3x3 table of squares by using the letters (or their ASCII-hexadecimal equivalent) of a word for the color code.
The resulting patterns of colors or grayscales often hit the real/hidden meaning of a word in a surprising way." -- from "Die Quadratur der Worte / How to Square Words"
"Holzbauer is recognized for his 'systemic poetry', a new kind of production of literary texts.
Starting in the early 1990s, he worked on the transformation and publication of texts in non-traditional media; his texts became literary objects, computer-aided interactive text-animations, sound-installations, or Internet events.
Recently, the artist works in Web graphics, visual poetry, and on a surrealistic diary project.
Holzbauer is a member of the Grazer Autorenversammlung and Künstlergilde Salzkammergut." -- from "Siegfried Holzbauer / Biography"
Published in 2000 by BeeHive in Volume 3, Issue 3.
Dr. Talan Memmott and J. Patrick Forden gave this copy of the work to the Electronic Literature Lab in Summer 2018.