"Matthew Belanger is a New York based new media artist, programmer, and consultant. A. Elizabeth Mikesell is an artist and writer who lives in New York City. Marianne R. Petit is an Associate Arts Professor at New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program where she teaches courses in digital media, animation and storytelling, in addition to overseeing the assistive technology and social justice curriculum.
There are some things that we own that are just so sad. You know what we mean. Sad. It seems likely that these sad things illuminate our vulnerable places, one way or another. The Saddest Thing I Own invites people everywhere to share the saddest thing they own. What are these sad things? What makes things sad? Do things start off sad? Do some sad things begin as happy things that then become sad? Are some things only sad because for some sad reason we kept them? Are some things just plain sad no matter what? This is what we want to know." -- From Turbulence
An unpublished copy.
This copy was given to the Electronic Literature Lab by Jo-Anne Green and Helen Thorington in Spring of 2016.