"Nathaniel Stern is an artist and writer, Fulbright grantee and professor, interventionist and public citizen. 'In Production (A Narrative Inquiry on Interactive Art)' is a free, digital companion chapter to Interactive Art and Embodiment: The Implicit Body as Performance (2013, an Arts Future Book with Gylphi Press). In the book, I argue that interactive art suspends and amplifies the ways in which we experience embodiment as per-formed, relational, and emergent. I provide many in-depth case studies of contemporary artworks that develop a practice of embodied philosophy, setting a stage to explore how we inter-act and relate with the world. I offer a critical framework for analyzing interactive artworks and what's at stake in our encounters with them, which can be applied to a wide range of complex and emerging art forms. Here bodies, matter, and their matters, are implicated as always unfolding and enfolded to make what is.' – Nathaniel Stern" -- From Turbulence
An unpublished copy.
One of the chapters of "Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art)." This copy was given to the Electronic Literature Lab by Jo-Anne Green and Helen Thorington in Spring of 2016.