Loose Ends/Connections

"Beth Coleman (DJ Singe) is an artist mixing in sound and text. Jesse Gilbert is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, and software engineer who has developed an extensive body of work centering around aspects of improvisation and cross-disciplinary collaboration, with a focus on networks and experimentation with new media. Brenda Hutchinson is a composer and sound artist whose work is based on the cultivation and encouragement of openness in her own life and in those she works with. Since the 1960's Pauline Oliveros has influenced American Music extensively through her works and with improvisation, electronic music, teaching, myth, ritual, and meditation. Maggi Payne's electroacoustic works often incorporate visuals, including dancers outfitted with electroluminescent wire and videos she creates using images ranging from nature to the abstract. Zeena Parkins (born in 1956, Detroit, Michigan, United States) is a harpist active in rock music, free improvisation and jazz. Scott Rosenberg is a composer/multi-instrumentalist living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Helen Thorington is the Co-Director of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., the founder and producer of the national weekly radio series, New American Radio (1987-1998), the founder and producer of the Turbulence.org and Somewhere.org websites (1996-); and co-founder with Jo-Anne Green of the blogs, Networked_Performance and Networked_Music_Review, and Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art) (2009). Mary Lucier has worked in many mediums, including sculpture, photography, and performance, but has concentrated primarily on video and installation since 1973, producing over forty-five major pieces in that time that have been shown internationally in museums, galleries, alternative spaces and festivals and are represented in numerous public and private collections.

A performance that explored uses of sound in a networked collaboration with eight composer/musicians. Streamed live to the web. The performance originated from three locations: Mills College in Oakland, CA; Harvestworks, Inc. in New York City; and the Morton Street Studio in New York City. A slide show of video stills from Mary Lucier's 1998 'Summer, or Grief' with text from 'A Conversation' by Allen Grossman accompanied the performance." -- From Turbulence



An unpublished copy.

This copy was given to the Electronic Literature Lab by Jo-Anne Green and Helen Thorington in Spring of 2016.



