TY - ART TI - In the changing room: Fanciful Tales in HyperText AU - Jackie Craven AB -

"In the changing room: Fanciful Tales" is a "hypertext fiction in the form of eight interwoven parables." As the Introduction to the work states, "Here in the Changing Room, all things are linked and everyone is a reflection . . . of a reflection . . . of a reflection."

The hypertext makes use of "WordCircuits Connection Muse," a JavaScript file that is meant to save the reader's place.

C3 - Web PY - 1998 LA - English M3 - Hypertext, Illustrated, Web, Fiction UR - https://the-next.eliterature.org/works/495/0/0/ DB - The NEXT Y2 - 2025-03-31 ER -