TI - Virtual Reality Exhibit at the Singapore Museum
AU - David Herrstrom
AB - "The sheer profusion of a city like Singapore calls reality into question. Exhilarating mix of cultures, plants and animals, surreal insects and multi-colored carp, it plays on the nagging fear that this world is not quite our home. Such anxiety is pitched to the surface by the pressure of the ordinary loneliness of a stranger in a strange land.
We can't escape the making of virtuality, any more than we can avoid being connected to the human city (genet) and at the same time individuated from it (ramet). Everything 'suffering description,' which is the world, the 'possible to be believed,' is real. And in this fecund city of lives within a strict order, we become acutely aware that the assertion 'In the city of Singapore eyes saw' is not so simple." -- From the author's note
C3 - Web
PY - 1997
LA - English
M3 - Hypertext, Poetry
UR - https://the-next.eliterature.org/works/2324/0/0/
Y2 - 2025-03-13
ER -